One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Wednesday 25 March 2015

We will miss you Zayn!

Hi everyone!

You probably saw it all over Twitter and Facebook today. They announced that Zayn is leaving the band on their official Facebook page this evening. This is what they posted on the page.
Niall, Harry, Louis & Liam will continue the OTRA tour, but unfortunately without Zayn. We really want to ask you to respect Zayn's desicion, we know it's really hard. I'm actually writing this while crying, but just don't hate Zayn because of this desicion, we kind of understand him!

We also keep getting the question to do something on June 13 when the boys are in Belgium. We think it's a great idea, so we want to make it bigger.
This is our plan: please spread it, so it can be an international project!


If you have any questions, or you are having a bad time; don't think twice but just message us (look at the contact section), we will be here for you!
Try to stay strong, we know we can do it! We believe in you guys!

Big love,
One Direction Streetteam Belgium x

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for this one. I think its gonna be hard for everyone but beautiful and I think that the boys will love it that we are there for them and show our love for the five of them, even there are four
