One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Tickets SELL

People who SELL their tickets:

If you want to buy tickets, you can mail us and we will send you the information of the person. 

- Seated: 'amount of tickets, 'block', 'row', 'seats', '(name)'
- Standing: 'amount of tickets', 'block', '(name)'

Steal My Girl Hot Ticket

Early Entry Tickets

Standing Tickets (category 2)

  • 4, B2 (L.L.V.)
  • 3, B2
  • 2, B2 (R.L) -  need to be sold ASAP
  • 3, A2
Seated Tickets
Category 1
  • 2, Block H,  Row 27, Seats 17-18 (E.L)
Category 3
  •  2, Balcon 4, Block J Row 1, Seats 18 -19 (E.V) - PRICE: €130
Category 4 


One Direction Streetteam Belgium

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