One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Monday 12 October 2015

Contest MNM London Session with M&G

Dear Directioners!

This is some information about the MNM Contest for the London Session inclusive M&G.


This is what you can win: a duo ticket for the London Session, with transport (by airplane), overnight (Central London Hotel), a special gift by 1D and... a Meet & Greet!
The contest is generally meant for Belgian Dutch speaking Directioners.


- You must be at least 16 years old.
- If you're a minor, you should be accompanied by an adult, otherwise you can't go either.

- You have to crack the code (3 numbers) to make a chance to win. (Good luck :*)

How can you win?

- From now on, MNM will drop an audio a day (probably during "Planeet De Cock", starting from 4PM (16:00)) with a hidden part of the code = a number. The contest started Monday 12 October 2015. There will be a winner Thursday 15 October 2015.
- The combination of 3 numbers = the code
- This is how you can tune your radio (source:
               West- en Oost-Vlaanderen: 101,5 MHz ( =FM)
               Antwerpen: 89,0 MHz
               Vlaams-Brabant: 97,0 MHz
               Leuven: 94,8 MHz
               Brussel: 88,3 MHz
               Noordoost-Limburg: 93,00 MHz
               Zuidoost-Limburg: 102,0 MHz
- The code will be hidden in a locker by Julie Van de Sterren (journalist of MNM who will interview Liam and Louis 13 October).
You can send your question for Lilo here:

- For more information: go to



- MNM will probably announce every audio snippet on Twitter: and/or
- The audios will probably appear on their information site ;)  
- If you want to increase your chances, you can also enter:
          the 2nd competition by Radio Contact, starting 22 October 2015:

          the global competition:

We wish you the best of luck ;)
Pre-order Made In The A.M. here:

xxx One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Sunday 14 June 2015

Thank you

Hi everyone

I just want to thank everyone for doing the projects. I was totally amazed by them.

Thank you so much for making this an unforgettable concert. 

The One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Thursday 11 June 2015


Hi Directioners

This Saturday, everyone will be nervous. That's why we created a list with things you don't want to forget at the concert.

Here is our little list:
You only need to bring a copy of the ID and its sign, if you have VIP (and it's on another name) or you bought them from someone else (and not the official site).

If you have any questions Saturday about the projects or something and you see someone with a badge like this; don't hesitate to ask your question or if you just want a little chat don't hesitate to come to us haha 😁

ALSO: we are looking for some people who are willing to help us Saturday! We need some people to print out extra papers and also to explain the projects to the people who don't know about them, if you want to help us, just send us a private message! 😊

The projects: (and an easy link to the signs here

See you Saturday!
XOXO One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Hey Directioners

2 freaking days until One Direction is in Belgium!

We created, with the help of other accounts, different projects and you can find them here. 
Just click on the name of the project to see more info.

If you want to help, please print some more so you can hand them out at the concert for the people who didn't know about the project.

You can find all the printables here. (read the info paper first if you want some explanation)
Musician Projects
Nothing Changed

Small country, big love for you 

We also take part in the Bandana Project and the Balloon Party.

Do you want to show people that you are going to the One Direction Concert in Brussels? Use this arrow (printable)

There is also a meet-up at the Atomium starting at 14:00 (2PM). It's a pre party to meet your future neighbours! 

Please help us to spread these projects. You can retweet this tweet or use the pictures.  

Thank you in advance and enjoy the concert :)

The One Direction Streetteam Belgium.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

We will miss you Zayn!

Hi everyone!

You probably saw it all over Twitter and Facebook today. They announced that Zayn is leaving the band on their official Facebook page this evening. This is what they posted on the page.
Niall, Harry, Louis & Liam will continue the OTRA tour, but unfortunately without Zayn. We really want to ask you to respect Zayn's desicion, we know it's really hard. I'm actually writing this while crying, but just don't hate Zayn because of this desicion, we kind of understand him!

We also keep getting the question to do something on June 13 when the boys are in Belgium. We think it's a great idea, so we want to make it bigger.
This is our plan: please spread it, so it can be an international project!


If you have any questions, or you are having a bad time; don't think twice but just message us (look at the contact section), we will be here for you!
Try to stay strong, we know we can do it! We believe in you guys!

Big love,
One Direction Streetteam Belgium x

Thursday 19 February 2015

One Direction says it..

Hello everybody

Everyone is excited about the concert, that's pretty normal BECAUSE I AM TOO!
LiveNation uploaded some videos, and for who didn't see them: here it is!

Some interesting videos:
"Four concert tips"

Other interesting new is that probably, the setlist will change in Europe!
Choose your favorite song and let them now.

What is the most beautiful thing from Belgium (Brussels)?

I hope you enjoy the short YouTubeclips

One Direction Streetteam Belgium

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Wish Harry a happy birthday

Do you want to wish Harry a very happy 21st birthday?
Take your chance now.

Send your photo here.